Saturday, 1 April 2017

Day 33: Applique at the RSN

The river was quite busy this morning, cyclists, walkers and rowers in a variety of craft.

At Hampton Court things were quieter - none of the crowds of last weekend. The only people in sight at 9.30 am were the security guards and people coming to courses at the RSN.

There were two courses running today, the Applique one in which I was enrolled and a Crewel Work one.

We were met in the usual place and escorted to our respective classrooms, past numerous chimneys and the old kitchens.

We were not in the same classroom as last Sunday, so I was unable to take more photos of the Crewel work screen. So many people have commented on it that I hoped to show more of it.

There was a Crewel work fire screen in our classroom. It was under glass, so not so easy to photograph. I gather that the works on display in classrooms are from the RSN Museum collection, but not their most valuable works - possibly done by students at some point in the past.

Deborah Wilding was our teacher today. She had prepared a very attractive kit.

All the pieces for our applique were inside and ready for our use.

Our first task was to lay out our work, then pin and baste the bottom layer - in this case the leaves. We moved on, layer by layer


Meanwhile, from our classroom window, the garden remained quiet.

Deborah was very well organised and sequential in her teachers. She had some really good tips and techniques.

By the end of the day I had progressed quite a long way. I was also keen to continue working on it. As the hoop and stand I was using belonged to the RSN, and I have no hoop with me, I decided to finish any areas for which I definitely needed a hoop, then try to finish it out of a hoop in the next couple of days.

It was an excellent project, designed to teach a small number of key techniques of applique. There were only six in the class, which was warm and sociable.

By the time we finished, there were more people about - still, indeed arriving. Nowhere, however, the numbers of Mothers' Day last Sunday.

I caught glimpses of costumed people walking the corridors.

I can't resist the detail of the architecture.

Back at the hotel, I had a phone call from my Watford friend Christine to wish me bon voyage. We had a good chat and lots of laughs. It has been lovely to talk to her. I hope her health issues are soon resolved.

At dinner tonight tI shared a table with a woman who had been in the Crewel Work class at Hampton Court today. We exchanged notes about our classes and our lives.  It was a very pleasant way to spend my last evening in the hotel.
I had my last beef and ale pie for some time. The vegetables here at the hotel have been great - lightly cooked whole peas, with cabbage and carrot. The chef has become accustomed to my heresy of chips instead of mash potato with his ale pie!

There was a ninetieth birthday celebration taking place in the bar which looked like continuing for some time.

I however, returned to my room to do more work on my applique.

I am really enjoying it - so want to finish it.

Tomorrow my flight leaves Heathrow at 9.35 pm. My airport transfer picks me up at 5.00. I have organised to extend my room until then, so have plenty of time to pack and prepare.

This is roughly where I am now up to with my applique. I hope to finish it before I leave for the airport tomorrow.

With a bit of luck my next post will be from Heathrow tomorrow night.


  1. The kit was beautifully presented, wasn't it? And it is a great design too. It will make a lovely bag!

    I hope you are getting home safe. Take care!

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog today . Especially all your beautiful embroidery entries :) Daisy Debs
